You like to discover new things and want to use your knowledge to impact the world. A career in the basic sciences may be for you.
You like to examine the chemical makeup of natural products and the chemical reactions that occur in living systems.
Biological Sciences
You are intrigued by the mechanics of life, how molecules are formed and the structure of cellular organisms.
Chemical Engineering
You don't want to work in just one field of science. You're the type of person who wants to know it all.
You are curious about what makes up the world around you and how materials combine and react to create something new.
Coastal Environmental Science
You like scientific discovery and want to be a part of the conservation and preservation of coastal environments and oceanic life.
Marine Biology
You are fascinated by the ocean, its geology and the aquatic life within it.
You are scientifically minded and naturally curious about small organisms in our big world.
Natural Resource Ecology and Management
You want to study our natural resources or help protect endangered species.
Nutrition and Food Science
You are interested in helping people maintain or achieve good health by teaching them to eat well and live healthier lives.
Petroleum Engineering
You are the type of person who wants to use our natural resources smartly and efficiently with the smallest environmental impact.